Don’t Be Blu

Probably I need another second DVD player like a hole in the head. However, the very low price tag on the Magnavox Blu-Ray player at Wal-Mart on Black Friday morning was mighty enticing, enticing enough to get me up at 5:00 AM for a trip to Wal-Mart. Although I’m an early riser anyhow, I almost talked myself out of it. However, I decided to consider the early morning outing an adventure (something I experience few of) and headed to Wal-Mart. The parking lot at 5:15 was full. I was lucky that some driver pulled out as I pulled in. The store inside was bedlam. I had to avoid speeding and swerving shopping carts as I fought my way to the electronics department where I had previously seen the Magnavox Blu-Ray machines. However, the entire stock had already disappeared. I’m not a shopper and, when the store doesn’t have what I want, I can’t hang around just to help out the economy. I therefore came home “Blu” and without a Blu-ray.

About Thom

I am an 85-year-old retired English teacher whose writing goals are fulfilled by publishing these blogs. I have a wonderful married partner, Dimitris Tsitsiras, who is from Greece. Life is good and still an adventure.
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1 Response to Don’t Be Blu

  1. Bob livesey says:

    Blue Monday is the time to buy blu stuff, black Friday is the day to duck and cover. But I guess the fact you left your house to wade into madness is a rather ballsy move for a homebody. Your attempt to stimulate the economy was a noble gesture.

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