Are You Sad Enough Yet?

Our media appear to spend an inordinate amount of time telling us to feel bad. Most of the time, I have no trouble feeling bad or sad about a situation that is both or either. I tend to be very emotional anyhow. However, when I keep seeing the same situation presented over and over, almost as though I should feel bad for not feeling sad enough, then I’ve had enough. I remember experiencing that feeling when Michael Jackson died. I was not a great Jackson devotee, but I certainly grieved that someone as young and as talented as he  had died. However, the duration of the mourning was extended too long for me. Certainly respect is due for those who have made a positive impact and are gone, but overdoing the grief becomes depressing and maudlin at some point.

About Thom

I am an 85-year-old retired English teacher whose writing goals are fulfilled by publishing these blogs. I have a wonderful married partner, Dimitris Tsitsiras, who is from Greece. Life is good and still an adventure.
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